Finest TikTok Dance Crews in Kenya

Best Dance groups in Kenya on Tiktok

Introducing the Finest TikTok Dance Crews in Kenya. These talented dancers have not only mastered the art of movement but have also turned their passion into a profitable career.

Through their captivating performances, they have not only gained popularity locally but have also managed to make a name for themselves on the international stage, representing Kenya with pride.

One shining example is Azziad, whose journey to success began in 2020 after dancing the popular utawezana challenge on TikTok.

Through dedication and creativity, she transformed her love for dance into a full-fledged career, becoming a celebrity personality in the process.

Her story is just one of many, showcasing how these dancers have risen from humble beginnings to achieve great success.

Their hard work and dedication have paid off, not just financially, but also in the way they have inspired others and brought joy to countless people.

Through their performances, these Tiktok dance crews are not only entertaining audiences but also breaking barriers and representing Kenya on a global platform.

Top TikTok Dance Crews in Kenya

1. Alpha House

Alpha House is one of the most followed Kenyan dance crews. It initially comprised four members who started the group.

It now has six members: Alberta Nasieku, Klaus Hybrid, Tara Nkatha, Bran Tonioh, Kayetorwa (aka Kayet), and Bluc Moji. Nasieku is supposedly dating Klaus, while Nkatha is supposedly dating Tonioh.

Kayet joined later, and Bluc Moji is the newest member of the crew. Currently, they have over 1.8 million followers on TikTok.

They were awarded the Pulse Kenya Influencer Awards 2023 as the Dance Influencer of the Year. Their success stems from the quality dance videos that the team produces.

2. The Ragz

The Ragz consist of a team of three beautiful ladies. It’s not only their dancing skills that attract the audience but also their beauty.

They have over 876,000 followers on TikTok. The team is based in Mombasa, Kenya. They claim that dancing is their full-time job. They always bring fresh moves to their audience.

3. Tileh Pacbro Family

Tileh Pacbro is one of the top dancers in Kenya. He is not only a good dancer but also a creative one. He has his dance crew called Pacbro family.

He trains a team of individuals who are considered very energetic while dancing. He is married to Martina Glez, who is also a dancer.

His team not only performs indoors but also on the streets and in markets. Pacbro is one of the most successful dancers in Kenya.

4. Ronafro Family

Ronafro Family is a dance crew consisting of four members: three beautiful ladies and one gentleman. They are known for their “dera” attire, which is a Swahili custom and a sign of decency.

They normally dance on the streets, calling it outdoor fun, and even dance with the market vendors. Some fans claim that this team will outrun Alpha House in the list of the top Kenyan dance crews.

5. The cluster KE

The Cluster KE, or Cluster Kenya, is a group run by a very popular TikToker and dancer called Collo Blue. Collo Blue is one of the pioneer TikTok dancers in Kenya.

He started as a simple dancer and now has his own dancing crew school that comprises individuals of all ages. Collo Blue also dances with people like Kayet, Nkatha, Nasieku, KRG the Don, and Bluc Moji.

His song “Forever amen and sasa hivi mash up” featuring Becky Mengesha on Youtube  made him very popular gaining over 1.8m views.

This Dance crew has been featured in music videos of  some of the popular songs in Kenya.

They actively participate in TikTok Challenges.

6. Miondoko Masters

Miondoko Masters are a team of dancers performing the latest dance style called Miondoko.

“Miondoko” is a Kiswahili word which means a style of walking or dancing. They are the original pioneers of this dancing style and have kept it alive since then.

They feature other popular dancers such as Alpha House, Purple Wanja, Being Ceb, Cjay, Kate Thuku, Victoria Wendo, and also social influencers.

7. The Nairobi archive Dancers

The Nairobi Archive Dancers is a group of dancers who are usually found in the streets of Kenya National in the Central Business District.

They entertain live audiences passing along the streets and also do a vibe check on the passersby. They specialize in a dance style called the drill dance, focusing mainly on drill songs.

Amazingly, they perform old Kenyan songs that the oldies used to perform using the twist dancing style, incorporating their amazing dancing skills. They are very talented individuals.

Does Dancing  really Pay in Kenya?

Finest TikTok Dance Crews in Kenya. Does Dancin pay off in Kenya

Dancing is a lucrative career path for many talented individuals in Kenya, with some dancers earning significant income through various avenues such as performances, endorsements, and social media.

Dancers like Kate Thuku, Azziad Nasenya and Tileh Pacbro have been successful through dancing.

While the perception of dancing as a profession may have been different in the past, today, dancers are increasingly recognized for their skill and artistry, leading to more opportunities for financial gain.

One of the main sources of income for dancers in Kenya is through performances. Dancers are often hired to perform at events such as weddings, corporate functions, and music concerts.

These performances can be highly lucrative, especially for well-known dance crews or individuals with a large following. Additionally, some dancers also participate in dance competitions, which offer cash prizes and exposure to industry professionals.

Another way dancers in Kenya earn money is through endorsements and sponsorships. As dancers gain popularity, they may be approached by brands to endorse their products or services.

This can be a lucrative source of income, as brands are often willing to pay well for the exposure that popular dancers can provide. For example, Ajib Gathoni is now a brand ambassador and influencer, showcasing how lucrative these opportunities can be.

Social media has also opened up new avenues for dancers to monetize their skills. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have made it easier for dancers to showcase their talent to a global audience.

Individual Dancers and TikTok Dance Crews can earn money through sponsored posts, brand partnerships, and ad revenue on these platforms.

In conclusion, dancing can indeed pay off for those who are passionate and dedicated. Dancers must constantly work on improving their skills, staying up-to-date with the latest trends, and building their personal brand to stand out in a competitive field.

With the right approach and perseverance, dancing can be a rewarding career in Kenya.

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