Zendiambo: The Mastermind Behind Gotha Tena and Other Viral Phrases in Kenyan

Gotha tena original creator

Zendiambo Cure Deh is a well-known Reggae MC in Kenya, celebrated for his lively performances at various entertainment events and shows.

Reggae nights are especially cherished in Kenya, offering a platform for artists like Zendiambo to showcase their talent and connect with audiences.

One of Zendiambo’s remarkable skills is his ability to craft catchy phrases that are widely used in Kenya

One of Zendiambo’s most renowned phrases is, “Ndio kufinish Kumalo ndo kudonjo kudunda na ndo tuna dunda kudonjo, mastyle ni deadly deadly.”

Surprisingly, many people are unaware of its origin, attributing it to others who have adopted and popularized Zendiambo’s phrase without giving him proper credit.

This highlights the unfortunate reality that Zendiambo, despite his creativity and influence, has not always received the recognition he deserves for his contributions to Kenya’s music and culture.

Some of his popular phrases include “Gotha Tena,” which means to rewind, “Kufinish Kumalo,” and “Uaga Mbaya,” among others.

14 Zendiambo Iconic Phrases

  • Gotha Tena
  • Kufinish Kumalo
  • Uaga Mbaya
  • Yamwishoooooh
  • Substance over hype
  • Fika Best
  • Sipangwingwi
  • Kudonjo kudunda
  • Miondoko
  • Kisparki
  • Kushera/Shera
  • Kugotha/Kudive
  • One Leggeh/Both Leggeh
  • Dance/Style Dedly Deadly
Zendiambo the Reggae MC, and the creator of viral phrases like 'Gotha Tena' and 'Kufinish Kumalo'

These phrases have not only gained popularity across Kenya but have also inspired Kenyan music artists to create songs with these titles.

For instance, songs like “Miondoko” by Mbuzi gang, “Finish Kumalo” by Tipsy Gee, “Sipangwingi” by Exray ft Ssaru ft Trio Mio, “Gotha Tena” and “Deadly Deadly” by Breeder LW have all contributed to the widespread recognition of Zendiambo’s phrases.

Despite the immense popularity of his phrases, Zendiambo has not received due credit for his creativity. Others have capitalized on his phrases, with Gwethe even producing T-shirts and caps featuring Zendiambo’s famous expressions.

Even though he’s not getting the credit he deserves, Zendiambo’s phrases are still very popular. They show how much he has influenced Kenyan music and culture. It’s important to recognize the artists behind the music.

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